About Me

Reddaiah Reddy Mula
       Reddaiah Reddy Mula      Founder, Wealthy Options

Welcome to Wealthy Options, a genuine platform to make 4 to 10% consistent returns per month. I have been trading financial markets since 2007.  I have traded all the markets such as Equity, Derivatives (Futures & Options), Commodities, Currencies and ETFs, in all different possible ways such as Positional, Swing, Intraday, Algo, Pair trading, Trading systems, Trading tips etc. and finally realised risk defined Options Writing / Selling strategies is the best way to make good and consistent returns in the market.  It is important to note that most of the Professional Traders, Fund houses, FIIs, DIIs and Hedge Fund managers trade Index Options writing / selling strategies and make consistent money no matter whichever the direction market moves.  

So, by all means it makes sense to learn how these people trade, how they hedge, how they manage their positions to make consistent returns. Like any other trader, have been through a rough path and suffered losses initially but learnt new lessons every time. I have then started attending paid trading workshops, gone through a number of videos and audiobooks related to trading and learnt different strategies, techniques and more importantly discipline and following rules from different professional traders and trainers.  Throughout this journey, one thing I have clearly realized is that Option writers / sellers are the consistent winners. So, devoted my 100% focus on Index Options writing strategies and started making consistent returns with peace of mind and absolute confidence. 

Today, I proudly say that I am one of the successful options traders and making very good returns from the market month on month consistently. I am a certified Options Strategist, Technical Analyst and 17 times winner of Zerodha 60 day challenge. I have trained many people on trading options strategies successfully. When i turn back and see into the past there is one thing that mainly comes into my mind, that is i wish i had learnt Options Trading from professional and Options trader and trainer.  At the start of my trading career, I was reluctant to go for paid training and workshops as I thought paying for training is a waste of money as i can learn from free sources such as some websites or Youtube. However, I have later realized that it is one of the big mistakes I have made as I have lost money and more importantly a lot of time as well in attempt to learn on my own. And finally I have ended up attending multiple trainings and workshops as I have realised the worth of knowledge you gain from professional trainers and traders. People especially when they are new to trading think it’s not worth paying for training, but they will later realize that the price they pay for training is nothing but lesser amount that they would have lost in single trade.  So, like any other profession, education, proper training, hands on experience and professional support is very important for success in Trading career.  

My motto is to be one of the best disciplined and consistently profit making Options trader through risk defined Options writing/selling strategies, and educate the people to make consistent profits from markets by trading Options strategies, and guide and support them in the right direction until they become professional traders. In the current internet world there are a number of resources to find the information on options strategies, however it is very important to learn the strategies which are specific to Indian markets with proven historical data. You don’t need to trade 10 or 50 or 100 stocks to make consistent profits from the market, all you need is to master NIFTY / BANKNIFTY index options strategies to make consistent profits. I will teach you when to enter the trades, when to exit, when to manage/adjust the trades, when to avoid the trades, where is the edge, strategies for monthly, weekly and daily income step by step.  I will also teach how to master expiry trading where you can make 0.5 to 1% return on every weekly expiry day by trading a few hours. I will also provide lifetime support by answering your trading related queries and I will also share my trade details too. I will point you to all the resources you need to become successful as a trader. Strategies i teach are useful for both working professionals to make passive income of around 3% per month by trading few hours in a month (no need to keep monitoring positions at all) and also for full time traders to make 4 to 8% returns per month. 

Thanks for visiting Wealthy Options and taking time to know about me.  I wish you will travel with us and I wish you all the success for your trading and investing. 

Learn the art of Options Expiry Trading and Options Trading Strategies to earn 4 to 10% monthly return on your capital consistently month on month. Call or WhatsApp or Telegram me on +91-8838410023 for more details. Join my Telegram group https://t.me/WealthyOptions and follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/wealthyoptions1 to stay updated on my live trades and to get answers to your trading related questions for FREE.