1 lac+ profit on Roller Coaster expiry day – Made 2.85% ROI

This expiry was a tough one as NIFTY gone for Roller Coaster ride by giving breakout on upside and then fell by 100 points continuously in 1 hour. However, managed positions well through defending and adjustments and made a profit of Rs.1,00,349/- which is a return of 2.85% on Capital used.

Started expiry at 9:57 am by selling safe 8900 PUT options as market showed sign of uptrend for the day. Sold 9250 CALL options as market started getting flat to maintain premium balance. Sold more premium on both CALL and PUT sides through 9000 PUTs and 9250 CALL options. Continued to sell more 9000 PUT options and sold 9200 CALL options as well as market turned range bound. Finally, NIFTY gave breakout on upside at 1 pm and 9200 CALL options premium started raising. Sold, 9050 and 9100 PUTs as well to defend 9200 CALL options.

Then NIFTY suddenly started falling from 1:30 pm after touching the Resistance zone of 9170 and 9180. NIFTY continued to make lower Tops and lower Bottoms with clear intraday downtrend and continued fall by 100 points in an hour upto 9070 level. Used remaining available margin and sold additional 9200 CALL options to defend 9100 PUTs which are at risk. As i have run out of the margin, rolled down some of the 9250 CALLs to 9200 CALLS, also 8900 PUTs sold in the morning were in full profit, so booked profit and used margin for selling more 9200 CALL options to defend 9100 PUTs.

However, selling intensified and 9100 PUTs gone ITM, took a Stoploss for 9100 PUTs at 13 rs which taken away some of my profits. However, am happy that i have followed rules set for myself and traded with discipline. Finally market closed at 9100. So, tough expiry but managed to grab 1 lac+ profit.

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